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Embassy of Sri Lanka in Vietnam Hosts Tourism Promotion Seminar

Embassy of Sri Lanka in Vietnam Hosts Tourism Promotion Seminar

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The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Vietnam recently hosted a seminar to promote Sri Lanka as a tourist destination. The seminar was conducted in collaboration with Sri Lankan Tourism and was attended by more than 50 travel agents, media personnel, tourism promotional institutions, and senior officials from the International Cooperation Department of the National Administration

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Sri Lanka Among The 10 Nicest And Most Affordable Places To Visit In Asia

Sri Lanka Among The 10 Nicest And Most Affordable Places To Visit In Asia

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Sri Lanka has been recognized as one of the 10 nicest and most affordable places to visit in Asia by CN Traveller. The country has much to offer for any traveler, from its bustling streets filled with fresh spices, antiques and clothing to its endless beaches, breathtaking ruins, and lip-smacking food. One of the biggest

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Best Places To Go In 2023: The 25 Hottest Destinations This Year

Best Places To Go In 2023: The 25 Hottest Destinations This Year

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SRI LANKA You would have heard a lot about Sri Lanka in 2022, and barely any of it would have been good. This is a country that went through a turbulent period of political upheaval, with critical shortages of food, fuel, and electricity, and many travel plans had to be canceled because of it. Now,

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Indian Social Media Influencers Conclude Their All-island Bike Tour On A Positive Note.

Indian Social Media Influencers Conclude Their All-island Bike Tour On A Positive Note.

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Shivaani Mathesh and Vishwa Sakthivel, arrived at the destination with the purpose of going on an all-island bike tour, covering all 9 provinces of Sri Lanka. The event was titled ‘’1700 km bike ride’’ as they went on to cover all the major cities including Colombo, Negombo , Hikkaduwa, Galle , Mirissa ,Ella, Nuwaraeliya ,