Sri Lanka Tourism plans to illuminate Colombo during the festive season for the second consecutive year, enhancing the city’s allure for tourists. December kicks off the peak tourist season, and Sri Lanka Tourism aims to amplify the holiday spirit by lighting key streets and areas, contributing to visitors’ overall experience. This initiative aligns with Sri Lanka Tourism’s strategy to elevate urban experiences for travelers, mirroring similar holiday embellishments seen in popular tourist destinations.

Their new tagline, “Sri Lanka – You’ll come back for more,” emphasizes creating memorable moments for travelers, fostering a desire to revisit. The “Light-up Colombo” project lit up from December 15th to January 2nd, 2024, decorating various zones across the city. Sri Lanka Tourism anticipates this festive gesture to enhance the celebratory ambiance for both local and foreign visitors, aiming to establish it as an annual attraction in Colombo.